gtag('event', 'view_item_list', { "items": [ { "item_id": "301479", "item_name": "Postkarte 'Perfektion ist...'", "item_brand": "fischer's lagerhaus", "list_name": "Search Results", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 1, "price": 1.00 } ,{ "item_id": "301478", "item_name": "Postkarte 'SM;)E'", "item_brand": "fischer's lagerhaus", "list_name": "Search Results", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 2, "price": 1.00 } ,{ "item_id": "301497", "item_name": "Postkarte 'Nicht aufregen nur wundern'", "item_brand": "fischer's lagerhaus", "list_name": "Search Results", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 3, "price": 1.00 } ,{ "item_id": "301496", "item_name": "Postkarte 'Arbeit ist meine Therapie'", "item_brand": "fischer's lagerhaus", "list_name": "Search Results", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 4, "price": 1.00 } ,{ "item_id": "301490", "item_name": "Postkarte 'Wir müssen für die Freiheit planen'", "item_brand": "fischer's lagerhaus", "list_name": "Search Results", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 5, "price": 1.00 } ,{ "item_id": "301483", "item_name": "Postkarte 'The struggle ends when...'", "item_brand": "fischer's lagerhaus", "list_name": "Search Results", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 6, "price": 1.00 } ,{ "item_id": "301482", "item_name": "Postkarte 'The problem is not to find...'", "item_brand": "fischer's lagerhaus", "list_name": "Search Results", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 7, "price": 1.00 } ,{ "item_id": "301495", "item_name": "Postkarte 'Du bist was du tust'", "item_brand": "fischer's lagerhaus", "list_name": "Search Results", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 8, "price": 1.00 } ,{ "item_id": "301492", "item_name": "Postkarte 'Ich habe drei Schätze'", "item_brand": "fischer's lagerhaus", "list_name": "Search Results", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 9, "price": 1.00 } ,{ "item_id": "301491", "item_name": "Postkarte 'Man kann alle Leute eine zeitlang...'", "item_brand": "fischer's lagerhaus", "list_name": "Search Results", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 10, "price": 1.00 } ,{ "item_id": "301489", "item_name": "Postkarte 'Die Basis einer jeden Demokratie'", "item_brand": "fischer's lagerhaus", "list_name": "Search Results", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 11, "price": 1.00 } ,{ "item_id": "301488", "item_name": "Postkarte 'Kiss the Cook'", "item_brand": "fischer's lagerhaus", "list_name": "Search Results", "quantity": 1, "list_position": 12, "price": 1.00 } ] });

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